Stamp Duty
Land Tax

Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) is complex self-assessment tax, currently, 1 in 4 transactions are
calculated incorrectly, we assist in reviewing both upcoming and historical property transactions
to ensure the correct SDLT consideration is applied.

Our Services


stamp duty land tax

What is
Stamp Duty Land Tax?

Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) is the tax charged when purchasing property or land. SDLT is currently the most complicated self-assessment tax within the UK and is calculated based on the chargeable consideration for the transaction, as shown below.

Amount of Tax Chargeable

Purchase Price Bands Basic Residential
SDLT Rates (%)
Higher Rate Transactions
SDLT Rates (%)
Up to £125,000 0 3
Above £125,000 and up to £250,000 2 5
Above £250,000 and up to £925,000 5 8
Above £925,000 and up to £1,500,000 10 13
Above £1,500.00+ 12 15

Non-Residential or Mixed-Use Rates

Purchase Price Bands Percentage Rate (%)
Up to £150,000 0
Above £150,000 and up to £250,000 2
Above £250,000+ 5

Why does SDLT
Overpayment Occur?

Every year thousands of people overpay SDLT either through the misclassification of their property or a simple lack of awareness of the numerous exemptions and reliefs available.

HMRC’s SDLT calculator is commonly used to calculate the rate payable, yet it only provides a guide figure, and it does not consider the many reliefs available, nor variables in the transaction itself.

For many solicitors, mortgage advisors and individuals HMRC’s calculator is the main tool used to calculate SDLT rates, resulting in 1 in 4 calculations being incorrect. In some cases, it’s possible to achieve up to 80% reduction in Stamp Duty costs.

Our Tailored Solutions


If you’re about to purchase a residential property, then we can review the transaction to ensure the correct level of SDLT is paid.

If it’s too late and you have already exchanged or completed on your purchase, we can review property transactions spanning back up to four years.

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If you’re a developer acquiring a new site, we are able to analyse your transaction prior to exchange of contracts. We can review all elements and ensure that you are paying the correct rates of SDLT upfront. This could reduce your SDLT liability from 5% to 1%.

We can also review your historical portfolio to identify any potential savings for developments completed in the past four years.

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If you’re an investor growing your property portfolio, we can assess each purchase to ensure your SDLT liability is at the right level.

We are also able to review your existing property portfolio for any sites purchased in the past four years.

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Our Client is a successful niche developer, building new homes across the South East of England. I4B assessed our client’s residential site and planning documentation and identified a reclaim of £26,269!

9B Hayden Avenue

Our Client, a renowned Developer across the South, contacted us to review a purchase that they had made. Our diligent team set to work and were able to reduce the Stamp Duty liability to £28,500, equating to a reclaim worth £38,750!

Emerald City

Our clients are highly successful and knowledgable Developers, based in the affluent area of Surrey. Our team identified that our client’s dwelling was inhabitable and secured a HMRC refund of £20,060.

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Our Range of Services

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We work with companies to identify R&D activity and submit successful claims.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Capital” sub_title=”Allowances” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” image_position=”image_bottom” custom_padding=”40px|40px|120px|40px|false|false” _builder_version=”4.14.2″ _module_preset=”default” title_font=”|300|||||||” title_text_color=”#FFFFFF” title_font_size=”34px” subtitle_font=”|700|||||||” subtitle_text_color=”#FFFFFF” subtitle_font_size=”34px” body_text_color=”#FFFFFF” background_image=”” background_enable_image=”on” link_option_url=”/services/capital-allowances/” global_colors_info=”{}”]

We can review your capital expenditure to ensure you maximised the tax reliefs available.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Land Remediation” sub_title=”Relief” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” image_position=”image_bottom” custom_padding=”40px|40px|120px|40px|false|false” _builder_version=”4.14.2″ _module_preset=”default” title_font=”|300|||||||” title_text_color=”#FFFFFF” title_font_size=”34px” subtitle_font=”|700|||||||” subtitle_text_color=”#FFFFFF” subtitle_font_size=”34px” body_text_color=”#FFFFFF” background_image=”” background_enable_image=”on” link_option_url=”/services/land-remediation-relief/” global_colors_info=”{}”]

We analyse land purchased that has been contaminated and advise on any costs reclaimable.

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We can assess your property pension portfolio to ensure the correct SDLT consideration was applied.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Property” sub_title=”Incorporation” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” image_position=”image_bottom” custom_padding=”40px|40px|120px|40px|false|false” _builder_version=”4.14.2″ _module_preset=”default” title_font=”|300|||||||” title_text_color=”#FFFFFF” title_font_size=”34px” subtitle_font=”|700|||||||” subtitle_text_color=”#FFFFFF” subtitle_font_size=”34px” body_text_color=”#FFFFFF” background_image=”” background_enable_image=”on” link_option_url=”/services/property-incorporation/” global_colors_info=”{}”]

We can help to structure your property portfolio correctly which can potentially result in significant tax savings.


Enquire Today!

We’re well positioned to help with any of your tax enquiries, call or email the team to find out more.

Call Us 0121 309 0222